miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2013

Interview with the Production Manager

Interview with the Production Manager

Daniela Adler is our Production Manager

1.- Do you like your job? Why?

I do like it because it is very fun and you get to do a lot of interesting activities.

2.- Why did you choose this job?

I chose this job because I thought I would be a good production manager, and I also would have a new opportunity.

3.- What other job would you like if you weren't doing this job?

If I didn't have my job I would like to be stage manager of performer because I like acting and because as a stage manager you get to spend a lot of time with the performers.

4.- What's your leadership style?

My leadership style is fun, but also responsible so that the opera is fun and good.

5.- Is your job hard?

My job is a little bit hard because I have to be very responsible and I need to take care of problems.