miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013


MIKEL Composer

Why do you like music?
He likes it because it makes him keep going in life

Do you like being a composer why?
He likes being  a composer because he like s making music

Do you like playing music why?
He likes playing music because he does good sounds with rythm

What other job would you choose if you wouldn't be a composer?
He would be a stage manager because he likes being in the stage and learning every line for experience also acting if a performer misses school.

Do you think your music is good why or why not?
He thinks his music is good because the songs are different and explain more music.

ALONDRA Composer

Why do you like music?
She likes music because it has lot's of rhythm and melody's that stay in your
Do you like being a composer why?
She likes being a composer they can make their own music and make good rhythm

Do you like playing music why?
She likes music because it inspires her

What other job would you choose if you wouldn't be a composer?
She would be a set designer because she likes painting

Do you think your music is good why or why not?
Yes because it has a awesome melody


Why do you like music?
He likes music because it's his inspiration

Do you like being a composer why?
he likes being a composer because he likes making songs and playing them.

Do you like playing music why?
He likes playing because music is his life and likes composing.

What other job would you choose if you wouldn't be a composer?
He would be a electrician because he like building thing

Do you think your music is good why or why not?
Yes because he dedicates a lot of time for the opera music.

miércoles, 3 de abril de 2013

Interview with our Stage Manager

1 Do you like your job?Why
She likes her job because she gets to work with the performers.

2 Do you like being with preformers?Why
She like being with the performers because their nice and funny.

3 Do you thing you are a good stage manager?
She is a good stage manager but she can improve.

4 Is your job hard (if yes why?) ( if not why?)
Her job is hard because performers dont pay attention to her.

5 Do you think the performers getting the lines ?
She thinks almost of the performers get the lines of they opera.

miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2013

Interview with the Production Manager

Interview with the Production Manager

Daniela Adler is our Production Manager

1.- Do you like your job? Why?

I do like it because it is very fun and you get to do a lot of interesting activities.

2.- Why did you choose this job?

I chose this job because I thought I would be a good production manager, and I also would have a new opportunity.

3.- What other job would you like if you weren't doing this job?

If I didn't have my job I would like to be stage manager of performer because I like acting and because as a stage manager you get to spend a lot of time with the performers.

4.- What's your leadership style?

My leadership style is fun, but also responsible so that the opera is fun and good.

5.- Is your job hard?

My job is a little bit hard because I have to be very responsible and I need to take care of problems.

sábado, 23 de febrero de 2013

Welcome to our Opera Blog!

Dear followers,

I'm taking the opportunity to write the first post for our opera company.  The kids in 4H are very excited to be working on an amazing project like the opera.  In this blog you will find the latest information regarding our show, pictures, and everything related to the Guava Doodly Cool Dudes1 Opera Co.  Our amazing historians will be in charge of posting every week!

See you soon!

Miss Tania